Ferocious Sharks of the Andaman Sea!

Ferocious Sharks of the Andaman Sea!

Ferocious Sharks of the Andaman!

Royal Thai Air Force 701st Squadron in Pitch Black 24.



Article:  Jaryd Stock
Images: Jaryd Stock, Ryan Imeson & RAAF









Some unique milestones were recorded during this years iteration of Exercise Pitch Black 24, the Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) celebrated two decades of participation in Exercise Pitch Black, one of the world’s premier multinational air combat training exercises. 

RTAF brought five Saab JAS-39C/D Gripen aircraft apart of 701st Fighter Squadron nicknamed the the “Ferocious Sharks of the Andaman” from RTAF Base Surat Thani home to the 7th Wing which flies 12 Gripen aircraft and called the “House of Gripen” by locals, to demonstrate its evolving capabilities and reaffirm its commitment to regional security and cooperation.

These five aircraft were supported by a single C-130 which departed Thailand and stopped in Bali to refuel before continuing on to Darwin arriving on the 9th of July for the exercise.

RTAF Group Captain Arnon Charusombat, detachment commander for the exercise, expressed the significance of this milestone during the exercise. 

“The Royal Thai Air Force has been participating in Exercise Pitch Black since 2004, which was 20 years ago, and we are excited to be here,” GPCAPT Charusombat said. 

“Exercise Pitch Black is one of the most important exercises we participate in. The available air space is very large and offers a great learning opportunity.”

“Coincidentally the the commander of the squadron that participated in our first Pitch Black back in 2004 is now our current Air Chief Marshal of the Royal Thai Air Force, and he will be back in Darwin where he will visit Thai forces later during the exercise.”

 His enthusiasm underscores the enduring partnership between Thailand and Australia, reflecting on how the exercise has become a cornerstone for mutual learning and collaboration. 

Over the past two decades, the RTAF Pitch Black footprint has evolved significantly. 

“The capability we have brought throughout the years has changed; 20 years ago we brought the Lockheed Martin F-16 aircraft, and now we have started to bring a new ability with the JAS-39 Gripen aircraft,” GPCAPT Charusombat said.

This transition highlights the RTAF’s commitment to maintaining modern, effective air combat capabilities with 2016 exercise being the last time RTAF F-16’s participated which had undergone a midlife upgrade, since then the 701st have been participating in the exercise every two years. 


RTAF F-16B-MLU Viper from 102nd Fighter Squadron was the last Thai F-16 squadron to visit Australia in Pitch Black 2016.- Jaryd Stock



The longstanding relationship between Thailand and Australia, established in 1952, has fostered numerous collaborative efforts, including joint exercises such as Thai Boomerang, held in Thailand.

“It’s a great experience working beside Australia and other nations. We share and learn together,” GPCAPT Charusombat said.

“By working with our partnered nations, we are able to celebrate and enhance our readiness as one team of friends. 

“It’s really important that we continue to work together and collaborate in support of peace and freedom.”

Pitch Black gives unique insights in how other aircraft perform in dissimilar air training, where two different aircraft verse each other in a air combat scenario.

The RTAF were able to work along side their Philippine Air Force counterparts who participated for the first time in the exercise operating the F/A-50 Fighting Eagle from 7th Tactical Fighter Squadron.

On July 12th at the start of the exercise PAF spokesperson stated that RTAF Gripens and PAF Fighting Eagles went head to head in a one on one  air combat scenario.

This allows for crews to train alongside one another to build interoperability but also gives Philippines a look at how the Gripen performs as the Philippines are conducting a process of a future procurement of the Swedish made jet or the Lockheed Martin F-16 Viper to bolster air combat reediness in whats shipping up to be hotly contested part of the world.

“This is what Pitch Black helps us with when we come here to participate”, stated GPCAPT Charusombat.

“Its valuable for us, we learn from each other and its important and critical that we learn from our allies and partners so that we are integrated and ready to uphold security in our region, but also to share what we have learned here in Darwin with units back home in Thailand.”



Royal Australian Air Force Chief of Air Force (CAF), Air Marshal Stephen Chappell, DSC, CSC, OAM, shakes hand with Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Air Force, Air Chief Marshal Punpakdee Pattanakul during Exercise Pitch Black 2024 in Darwin. -RAAF


Jaryd Stock on Flickr
Jaryd Stock
Jaryd Stock is based in Sydney Australia. He has been a die-hard aviation enthusiast from a young age when he was chauffeured around by his father to various airshows and airports around Australia. At his first Airshow he witnessed the awesomeness of a General Dynamics F-111C and immediately fell in love with aviation.

Jaryd picked up a camera at a young age and has never looked back. He now combines photography and writing to highlight "Downunder" aviation; especially U.S. DoD units. Jaryd uses Nikon cameras and lenses.
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